About Sheffield Signcraft

Sheffield Signcraft is a registered limited company in the UK (05915447). The registered office is 57 Charlton Brook Crescent, Chapeltown, Sheffield, United Kingdom, S35 2XR.


The data that we collect

The data that we collect from our users will be contact information which is obtained via email or phone communication. At no stage shall we share/sell this data beyond our business operations. No contact details will be used for marketing purposes without a users consent prior engagement.


Managing your data

At Sheffield Signcraft, we take data security seriously and handle all sensitive information with care. At any given time, a user is can request that their records are udpated or removed from our database.

Understanding the 'Cookies' that we use on our website

Our website uses Google Analytics to record website page visits to help us monitor our online presence and imapct with our target audience. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device record the pages that you visit. The cookies we use are not harmful to users and will not provide any sensitive/identifiable information. 

You can manage your use of 'Cookies' in your browser settings and if you do not wish to accept the cookies that we use, we kindly ask that you prevent using this website in the future. We expect all users of the website to accept the tewrms of the cookies that we have in place.

More information about google analytics cookies can be found here.

At any time, you are entitled to contact Sheffield Signcraft with any questions that you may have about our privacy policy via email to scott@sheffieldsigncraft.co.uk or call 07701 038 976
